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Lane Hanford
Having a passion for anything that combined self expression, art and craftsmanship, Lane has mastered countless mediums and techniques while continuing to broaden her horizons in anything that involves an artistic eye and creativity.  In the Front Room Gallery you can find her jewelry, boxes and  hand poured porcelian in all forms. We are currently featuring her classic reproduction dolls.
Tom Torrenti
Tom has been an artist his whole life much like Lane, his sister.  Oil paintings are his specialty focusing on landscapes that he derives much of his inspriation from.  His work can be found in homes, museums and galleries all over the shoreline and surrounding areas.
Sarah Hanford
A multi-talented artist, currently displaying her jewelry.
Catherine Purcell
Catherine is another talented artist and designer with her work in the Front Room Gallery.  We currently carry her hand painted scarves.
Stephen Hanford and the craftsmen design and build unique custom furniture to highlight the endless possibilities of woodworking, some of which are available in The Front Room.
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